
Module 1 Growth Process
Lesson The components of the growth process ideation prioritization with the (R)ICE model ranking the experiments The experiment Roadmap
Lesson Growth Experimentation What is an experiment? How to brainstorm experiments Setting the experiment baseline & target Experiment Design
Lesson The ideation phase How to prioritize ideas based on RICE Data -driven Hypothesis & Validation Resources & Assignment
Lesson The execution phase Perfection vs Speed The Experimentation Framework Canvas Evaluation
Module 2 The Growth Model
Lesson 1 The Growth Model The concept explained Where does it sit in the organisation? Where to start? Baseline and how to measure it
Lesson 2 The North Star Metric what is it? Why do we need it? How to find your north star metric Industry examples
The Growth Model vs the OGSM Model
Lesson 3 Building your model NSM & Growth levellers & Experiments Leading & Lagging Indicators Output, Controllable input & vanity metrics Reporting
Module 3 Growth Funnel
Lesson 1 End-to-End Funnel What is a growth or pirate funnel Measuring the growth funnel KPI’s per funnelphase
Lesson 2 Growth Loop R Growth Loop R Retention, referral, revenue
Lesson 3 Growth Loop A Growth Loop A Activation, acquisition
Module 4 The Growth Culture
Lesson 1 Growth Teams Team composition Agile & CrossFunctional Accountability Organizing a Growth Meeting
Lesson 2 Growth Mindset What is it? Embracing failure The failure board Not for everyone
Lesson 3 A culture of rapid experimentation Why velocity matters the key to success: testing & iterating
Module 5 The Growth Meeting
Lesson 1 The Growth Meeting How to hold one How to prepare for it Who should attend
Lesson 2 Growth Planning Sprint Planning Stakeholder Management Sprint reviews/ Demos
Lesson 3 Growth Reporting Project Management Tooling Dashboarding Document Sharing