Identify Common Failures and main Root Causes relative to your Niche

Identify top failures in your Niche what major failures lead to frustration and not-so-successful business outcomes for your Niche. For example, lack of proper Niche Research, no proper business plan, no proper content budget, and content development plan. How did it impact their business growth?

How is fear different from failure? How do these two interact?

Now, let’s get into the fears. The fears. What are they scared of? Everyone has fears. If you can, you notice here; if we can encourage their dreams, allay their fears, confirm suspicions, throw rocks at their enemies, and justify failures, we will be able to influence the customer.

We’re going to be developing a deep sense of rapport. So what are these fears? Running out of money, going back to work, fear of failing. We need to understand their fears. Fears are deep inside, and you have to do deep research to understand these deep in your prospect’s mind.

Are they willing to admit their fears?

Yes, in fact, they are willing to admit these fears once you start developing a deep sense of rapport with your target audience. We need to understand what their fears are to develop a deep sense of rapport. For Example: 

What are they scared of?

Understanding our customer’s fears, we will be able to encourage their dreams, allay fears, confirm suspicions, throw rocks at their enemies, and justify failures. Then we are going to be able to influence the customers with a deep sense of belongingness.

Other examples are Running out of money before the inflection point, disappointing team members or investors, weak Thanksgiving day stories, or squandering god-given potential and talent, going back to work, fear of failing, fear of wife leaving, fear of population bottleneck, fear of family falling apart because they messed.

Other fears could be that they are afraid to share content, equity, capital, afraid to make a product demo, and fear competitors copying their idea. Other examples are fear of imperfection, fear of legal threats, fear of building remote teams, and fear of dealing with numbers and metrics.

It is important to repeat as many times as possible deep inside your brain that you will cause a massive amount of rapport if you can allay someone’s fears. Everyone has fears or something that worries them.

In this section, you want to acknowledge their fear and tell them that it’s justified, but if they follow the right steps, they have nothing to fear.


“If you are worried about making payroll, then stick around.”

“If you are worried about not having a good Thanksgiving Day story, then you stick around.”

“If you are worried about keeping your most important people motivated, then stick around.”

Start your sentence….fill verb+ ING.

“My prospect is worried about {making a good product demo}”

“My prospect is afraid of {making a good product demo}”

“My prospect fears {making a good product demo}”


Name top failures in your Niche which lead to closure of business or bankruptcy in the past. For Example: Lack of proper Niche Research, Hiring wrong people, Not making a business plan.


Name top fears of my target Niche. What are they scared of? For example: Start with “My prospect is worried about making a good product demo” “My prospect is afraid of making a sales letter” “If you are worried about not having a good Thanksgiving Day story, then you stick around.” “If you are worried about keeping you’re most important people motivated, then stick around.”

Identify common Suspicions relative to your Niche


Identify top suspicions of my target Niche. For example: Google is becoming the ultimate website. Google will take over the knowledge which comes from content produced by websites. This is unfair to content creators and marketers. SEO is too technical and alone is no longer enough. Content Automation and Content Creation for SEO is not faster, cheaper and effective Clients are not seeing Semantic SEO as a key organic value chain.

Identify common Enemies relative to your Niche

Enemies 1:

Name top enemies of my target Niche. Who are they envious of? For example: Copywriters Deceptors SEO Agencies Investors Bankers Brokers