What is the problem with personas?
There are a number of problems with personas.
First, they are NOT a shortcut to generate insights. They are a way to organize your customer data.
Second, they are often presented as a simple user archetype, which makes them too simplistic and easy to dismiss.
Third, they often provide too much detail about the persona, which can lead to false assumptions about user motivations.
Fourth, personas do not make assumptions about the world outside of the product
What went wrong with the personas?
It’s not always easy to answer that question. Personas are abstract, and there are many factors that contribute to their success (adaption) or failure (dismissal) within your organisation..
What went wrong?
Some of the most common reasons that personas fail:
1. “We just brainstormed them.”
2. “We didn’t use them.”
3. “We used them but did not verify them.”
4. “We overlooked key user groups.”
5. “We didn’t test them.”
The best teams we’ve seen are proactive about personas’s, have a process in place to idendify them and verfify them, getting it right from the start and keep testing them along the way.
How do I create a persona?
A persona is typically created after a thorough understanding of your users and their needs are obtained. So the first step in the creation of a persona is to do research on your user/s.
The persona should not be biased to the time of day, culture, or location of the user. Take a look at the products and services that are offered by your company and identify what you need to know about them.