Courses led
Whether you are looking for support for yourself or for your organisation then this is the place to start – we help you transform your business model with Data and AI!
We have created a digital learning experience using state of the art learning technology to help both individuals and organisations follow their journey to the future. Our learning journeys combine interactive video, personal exercises, walk through examples and explanatory media to help you learn. Our learning approach “walks the talk” – using the technology and approaches in line with what we are communicating in these journeys!
We offer a set of standard learning journeys which are openly available to follow together with tailored variants to support your business transformation or individual learning needs – contact us to find out more.
We have developed AI Agents to support the learning process beside the eLEarning. The Learning Buddy helps you answer any question that arises when you follow one of our learning paths and the AI Act Buddy helps you understand and apply the EU AI Act – embedding 420 pages of regulation into a helpful Agent which makes the content accessible and guides you through implementation.
These are examples of what we advise – using Smart Agents to assist you to learn about and implement AI!
Your transformation journey begins when you click on the menu item “Start here”. There you can see an overview of the transformational journeys that we support – both in classical workshop style and digitally enabled with the blended approach supported by our Learning Platform.
In order to follow a journey you will need to purchase access to that journey either yourself or via your organisation. If you are purchasing this yourself then click on the relevant product via “Start here” and pay for the product – you will then have immediate access to the learning journey and can schedule your attendance at a live session if appropriate.
If you are joining via your organisation then click on the link that was provided to you and register using the promotion code also supplied. You can then find your journey under the “My journey” menu option.
The cost of each journey is shown on the journey overview. For journeys offered via an employer or learning partner then specific arrangements may have been made such that you do not need to pay directly to join the journey.
We provide customised learning and transforming programmes in company. This can be for a department or an antire organisation and cover multiple countries and language requirements. Just contact us to discuss further.
During registration, you must agree to our standard terms of business (Training and Events).
If you have any questions then please contact us and we will help you further.
Courses led
Professionals trained