AI Essentials

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Estimated time8-10 hours
PrerequisitesNone, Data Driven Foundation recommended
Next stepsAI Foundation / AI for Business, Growth

Step into the wonderful world of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  This learning journey takes you through the technology and techniques that lie behind smart applications such as expert systems, ChatGPT and image recognition.  We explain what AI is, addressing basic techniques such as Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Deep Learning and cover application areas such as clustering, classification, (customised) GPTs, voice and music generation and expert systems.

In this journey, we assume the participant has a basic awareness of data equivalent to “Data Driven Foundation”.  You can follow this journey first however and fill in your knowledge gaps with the data driven learning path later.

This learning journey is accredited to the BCS Essentials level – see course materials for more info.  The journey prepares you for the exam which you can take via Exin which requires a separate exam voucher (contact us for more information).

Following on from this journey, you can progress to the AI Brevet (NL AI Coalition) or AI Foundation course for more depth or consider the Generative AI and Prompting course for image, text and sound generation.

The learning objectives are:

  • Understand why Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are vital for your future
  • Explore what Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are and how they create disruptive change
  • Learn what algorithms and machine learning are and how these are used
  • Build your first AI Models using Automated Machine Learning and our safe GPT playground
  • Become aware of the key risks and dilemma’s and what measures you can take to mitigate these
  • Understand the EU’s Human Centric Ethical Purpose and the 2024 EU AI Act
  • Learn how to get started with an application area


  • Summer 24
    Update LLMs, Generative AI developments, EU AI Act revisions and numerous small improvements

EXIN BCS Accreditation Documents and Course Guidelines

EU AI Act Final Document

Suggested Reading

Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness

  • Human + Machine - Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
    Paul R. Daugherty and H. James Wilson,
    Harvard Business Review Press Publication Date: 2018
    ISBN: 1633693869.
  • Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI - download
    High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution - download
    Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, 2016
  • Artificial Intelligence, A Modern Approach (3rd edition)
    Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig,  2016
    ISBN 10: 1292153962
  • The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence
    Keith Frankish and William Ramsey 2014
    ISBN 978-0-521-69191-8
  • The Conscious Mind
    David Chalmers 1996
    IBSN 978-0-19-511789-9
  • Life 3.0 
    Max Tegmark, 2017
    Publisher: Penguin Books
    IBSN 978-0-141-98180-2
  • Artificial Intelligence Foundations (Learning from experience)
    Andrew Lowe and Steve Lawless, 2021
    Publisher: BCS
    IBSN 9781780175300

Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning
    Tom Mitchell, 1997
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill
    ISBN 0071154671
  • Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners: A Plain English Introduction (2nd Edition)
    Oliver Theobald, 2017
    ISBN 1549617214

High Level / Management Consultant View of Machine Learning

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution
    Klaus Schwab, 2016
    Publisher: Penguin Random House
    IBSN: 978-0-241-30075-6
  • Human + Machine - Reimagining Work in the Age of AI
    Paul R Daugherty and H. James Wilson, 2018
    Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
    IBSN: 1633693869

High Level / Research and Political View of Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning
    Royal Society

Professional Development of Machine Learning Algorithms and Planning

  • Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems
    Aurélien Géron, O’Reilly 2017
    ISBN 1491962291
  • Machine Learning - A Probabilistic Perspective
    Kevin P. Murphy, 2012
    Publisher: MIT
    IBSN 100262018020

Additional Reading

  • The Singularity is Near
    Ray Kurzweil, 2005
    Publisher: Duckworth Overlook
    IBSN 978-0715635612
  • The Mythical Man Month
    Frederick P. Brooks, JR., 1995
    Publisher: Addison Wesley
    IBSN 0-201-83595-9
  • Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future
    Lasse Rouhiainen, 2018
    Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    IBSN 1982048808

Course Content

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Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Robots and Artificial Intelligence
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Using models to predict the future
From Machine Learning to Deep Learning
My first AI model
Ethics, Risks and Challenges
Human and Machine Coexistence
The Future developments of AI
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Summary and next steps
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