Victor van der Hulst
Together we can achieve the most
As Head of Solution Development at Axveco, my focus is mainly on Blockchain projects we carry out for our clients. Together, with our project team of developers and consultants, we are able to design and build various Blockchain projects that arise from an idea, and finish with broad implementation. This achievement is only possible using a multidisciplinary team because then we can learn from each other, and more important, we inspire each other continuously.
During my career I have always worked in a software development environment. After studying Technical Computer Science, I started as a software developer and gained experience within various companies and sectors. Early in my career, I became more active in project and information management of software development projects and did less actual programming. On the one hand, my interest was business-IT alignment, and on the other, creating new solutions together. This led to my studies in 2010 with the Executive Master Information Management at the UvA. It was a very broad master program, focused on Design Thinking, Innovation and Sensemaking.
After having been responsible for a large group of enterprise software developers for several years as Managing Consultant, I came into contact with Blockchain. Technology (still my passion) that has a major impact on existing and future business models. Very challenging to be involved now and to be able to use all my expertise in software development, Agile, DevOps, information management and innovation, and to be supplemented by the immense expertise of my colleagues.
In my spare time you will find me at home (e.g. doing a little home improvement), on the water (avid sailor on an FF65) or outside with my family, but preferably all combined. If that does not suit, then I will enjoy running around the forest with pleasure.