We undertake research, participate in industry and national forums, continually develop our thinking and share this with our clients. This has led to our leading position in the fields in which we operate – we are known as a thought leader.
Avoiding the endless staircase of a Data Lake
Avoid the endless staircase of a Data Lake – create value…
AI – the future of work
Published via the RightBrains platform 1 June 2021.
Alex Dowdalls…
Reference over Axveco by Mark Visser, CEO hihaho
A digitally transformed approach to digital transformation –…
Our world is not just mirrored in a data world – it’s being driven by it
Nine of the top 10 currently most valuable companies in the world…
Decentralised Finance – Innovation versus Compliance!
Zero to $1.27 bn in a week - too good to be true?
Yes - because…
Managing risk in agile organisations
The concept of agility is currently being extended to apply to governance and organisation, business functions such as operations, and corporate support functions such as IT and HR, but what are the implications for risk management?
Building risk management skills for the future – where to start?
What will the role of risk management in the future be and what skills should the risk management professionals have in order to successfully support this role?