We undertake research, participate in industry and national forums, continually develop our thinking and share this with our clients. This has led to our leading position in the fields in which we operate – we are known as a thought leader.

Libra (Facebook-coin) – a first analysis
Ten years after its own launch, Facebook, in cooperation with…

If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you know when you’ve got there?
If you are engulfed by the issues of the day you will face the…

AXVECO Fit-for-the-Future: building the capacity to lead and innovate
Digital transformation is about people, not technology.

Teaching the caterpillar to fly
We should stop treating training as a solution. By constraining our thinking, we are limiting the potential of our people to develop, innovate and transform themselves and our organisations.

TheNextWeb – AXVECO Listed on Dutch Tech Landscape
We're proud to announce that we got featured on The Next Web…

Three lines of defence: a panacea?
AXVECO performed a short survey among Dutch Financial Institutions to establish whether the three lines of defence model was still viewed as valid and identify implementation challenges.

Blockchain in public services
Developing a secure blockchain for sharing consumer data…

English version report legal reconnaissance smart contracts
The Dutch Blockchain Coalition publishes the English version…

Three smart contract misconceptions
Besides cryptocurrencies, one of the most promising developments on blockchain is the use of smart contracts.